CBSE Revised Exam Date Sheet 2021: CBSE board exams will not be held between May 13 and 15, here's the new date


CBSE 10th 12th Revised Exam Date Sheet 2021: Central The Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the revised examination schedule for the board exams of class X and XII. Now the CBSE board examinations will not start from May 13 to 15. According to the new examination schedule, 10th and 12th (Class X, XII) examinations will start from May 4. Now CBSE 10th and 12th board examinations will start from May 4 and run till June 10.

 Let us know that CBSE has taken goodbye on May 14 because of Zuma or Eid-ul-Fitr. Earlier, CBSE had fixed the dates of 13 and 15 May for the board examinations, 

but now a gap has been given in the revised examination schedule from 12 May 2021 to 17 May. On May 12, there will be a French / German language paper in the revised exam schedule of CBSE. There will be printing paper on 17 May 2021. But in the previous examination program, there was to be French / German / Urdu paper on 13 May and Science paper on 15 May. Now all these papers will be according to the new dates 

 CBSE's twelfth maths exam will be held on May 31, which was earlier to be held on June 1. Apart from this, the paper of Physics (Physics) will be on June 8, instead of May 13. Changes have also been made in the history paper. This paper will now be on June 10. At the same time, the CBSE Class X examination will now be on June 2. At the same time, the science paper will be held on 21 May Please tell that on 31 December, Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank had announced the date of board examination. 

Accordingg to the announcement, 10th and 12th examinations were to be held from May 4 to June 10. Now it has been changed. At the same time, the results of the board examination will be released in July. Education Minister Nishank had released this update on his Twitter before the announcement of this date that the board exam date will be released on 31 December.

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