New Delhi: A sudden news comes from Nandigram in West Bengal on Wednesday evening that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been hurt. They are being taken to Kolkata. Mamta Banerjee, sitting in the car, said that when she was near her car, some people pushed her, due to which her leg got hurt. 4-5 people stopped the car completely. He was very hurt. There was no one from the local police. There is definitely a conspiracy. This has been done intentionally.
Later, he was picked up and put back in the car and brought to Kolkata. He was brought to SSKM Hospital in Kolkata. Here too he was taken inside on a stretcher.
BJP told Nautanki
Now the question is whether anyone has scrambled with them and attacked them as they are claiming. At the same time, BJP and Congress have accused them of doing drama. West Bengal BJP President Dilip Ghosh accused Mamata Banerjee of doing a drama. Ghosh said that he would demand a CBI probe into the alleged 'attack' on the chief minister. BJP VP Arjun Singh said, "Is it the Taliban that his caravan was assaulted?" A heavy police force accompanies them. Who can go to him? 4 IPS officers are in charge of their security and should be suspended. He pretended to be sympathetic.
Adhir Ranjan told hypocrisy
Adhir Ranjan Chaudhary of the Congress said that it is a 'political hypocrisy' to garner sympathy. Before the election, he (Mamata Banerjee) planned this 'gimmick' after facing difficulties in Nandigram. He is not only the CM but also the Minister of Police. Can you believe that there was no police with the police minister?
Eyewitnesses said this
At the same time, a student named Suman, who was there when Mamta Banerjee was hurt, said that the public gathered to see her (Mamata Banerjee). People surrounded him and stood up to see him. At the same time, he suffered injuries on the neck and legs, did not push, the car was moving slowly. ' Another eyewitness Chittaranjan Das said that while I was there, she (CM) was sitting inside her car but the door was open. The door closed after touching a poster. Nobody pushed or killed there was no one near the door.